
Thank you for allowing me to serve as Chapter Representative 2012 – 2014. Now I am asking you for another term, 2014-2016. Many issues have come along our path and I feel that the experience I have learned in the past two years only prepares me for the future. Our great organization is in a deep financial hole, our membership is falling and the challenge to put together a national conference has just landed on our front door. However, I feel these challenges can be met head on and I ask you for your support for another two years to see Reforma through these rough times. Below is a short biography of myself.
I have a bachelor’s in Social Psychology with a concentration in Chicano Studies and a Master’s in Library Science with a concentration in academics. I began my career in libraries back when I was an under graduate student. I started as a work study for the library I currently work at now. After completing my studies I was hired as a full time library clerk and within one year was selected and hired as the public services supervisor for one of El Paso Community College’s library campuses. In 2007 I received my Master’s from Texas Woman’s University and was then hired as an assistant professor/ librarian in 2009 at the El Paso Community College Valle Verde Campus. I have been a member of REFORMA since 2008 and served as Chair of the Nomination Committee 2008-2009 and in 2010 -2011 and most recently as chapter representative 2012-2014. During the Reforma National Conference held in El Paso Texas in 2008 I became active in my local chapter with the planning and organizing of the conference. In 2009 I was selected to the American Library Association Emerging Leaders program where I represented REFORMA with pride and integrity. Last year I was also given the Librarian of the Year Award (LOTY) by Reforma, a true honor I cherish deeply. Currently I serve as a board member for the El Paso Area Library (EPAL) Consortium where we oversee a federal grant which assists local students attending library school. Likewise I am currently the vice president of the Refoma El Paso Chapter and vice president of the El Paso chapter of TACHE (Texas Association of Chicanos in Higher Education).
I humbly ask for your support so we can continue to move Reforma forward. Thank you and if you have any questions please feel free to contact me at 915-831-2340.
Oscar Baeza
Librarian/Assistant Professor
El Paso Community College
El Paso, Texas 79915
(915) 831-2340