Candidate for National REFORMA Chapter Representative
Wednesday, April 30, 2014
by: Monica Lopez

Section: News Articles

April 2014

My name is Monica Lopez and I would like your vote for REFORMA Chapter Representative for the following areas: Washington, Orange County, Puerto Rico, Northwest, Heartland, California Gold, and Bibliotecas para la Gente. I am an active member of the Orange County Chapter in California; one of REFORMA’s founding Chapters. I also served as a Chapter president in OC from 2008-2010. I first became a REFORMA member as a student while attending the San Jose State Library School Program. I have been a member of REFORMA for over sixteen years.

I am a librarian and coordinator of Acquisitions and Collection Development at Cerritos Community College Library in Norwalk, California. I also provide reference and instruction services. This is my tenth year serving at Cerritos College. It has been a privilege to be in a teaching leadership role here. Every day I have the opportunity to change lives at the reference desk. In addition to my responsibilities in the library, I am also an Associate Professor and member of the faculty body. I teach an introductory library research course through the Cerritos College Learning Community Program (First Year Experience) and the National Model for Student Success, The PUENTE Program. I also serve on Faculty Senate Committees. I am always ready to take on the next challenge that awaits me in academic library leadership.

Early in 2013, I volunteered to serve as a co-chair of the International Relations Committee for the REFORMA National Conference (RNCV) in 2015. It has been exciting to be a part of history in the making as I work with current members of the RNCV Planning Committee. In addition to being a part of the planning for RNCV, I joined the REFORMA Membership Committee. Within the Membership Committee team, we have been planning and creating campaigns that will ultimately benefit new and existing membership drives. Working alongside my REFORMA colleagues in both capacities has been an invaluable experience and have become more familiar with the inner workings of National REFORMA. It is because of these two leadership opportunities that have guided me to seek a leadership as a Chapter representative and demonstrate my commitment to REFORMA.

As Chapter Representative, one of my main duties will be to keep open lines of communication with the designated Chapter Presidents in the Washington, Orange County, Puerto Rico, Northwest, Heartland, California Gold, and Bibliotecas para la Gente Chapters. I bring commitment to the organization and passion to the profession. I am excited about the possibilities of serving in the leadership role of REFORMA Chapter Representative and look forward to meeting some of you in June this year at ALA Las Vegas!

Monica Lopez
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