Let Me Help!/¡Quiero Ayudar!. Alma Flor Ada. Illus. by Angela Domínguez. San Francisco: Children’s Book Press, 2010. 32 pp. $16.95 (Hardcover). ISBN 978-0-89239-232-2. Grades K-2. Bilingual.
Poor Perico wants to help with his family’s preparations for the Riverwalk’s Cinco de Mayo river parade in San Antonio but they aren’t too enthusiastic about the parrot’s offers. Despite his numerous proclamations of “Let me help!,” there is no opportunity to lend a wing – what is a bird to do! Fortunately, the chance Perico has been waiting for arrives and he is perched to finally help. Told in a voice that will resonate with eager-to-help young readers and imbued with cheerfully bright illustrations, this delightful tale provides a new spin on Cinco de Mayo traditions. Recommended.
Fortunately, the chance Perico has been waiting for arrives and he is perched to finally help.