Francisco Vargas is the Youth Services Officer for the Long Beach Public Library and serves as the Editor of the Reforma Newsletter. Connect!
Dear Reformistas,
Since our last conference and reunion in Anaheim, this past June REFORMA has decided to continue to support an electronic and virtual newsletter, that is open to anyone. I am now the sole volunteer gathering and uploading news and content in order to keep the information fresh for our members. Our Adult & Children's Book Reviewers and Coordinators Sara Martinez & Jaime Naidoo (respectively) have been a great asset providing timely book reviews and content but at this point they have both vacated their volunteer positions. We are also searching for the following positions:
All of these jobs can be done virtually and take no more than 10 hours per week
Wanted: Co-Editor. This position entails soliciting, selecting, editing and organizing text and graphic materials for publication in the REFORMA National Newsletter. This position requires collaboration with book review editors and REFORMA administrative leadership. Spanish/English language proficiency is preferred, although not required. Current Co-Editors will be available for training and guidance.
Wanted: Copy Editor. This position entails reviewing and editing text and graphic materials for publication in the REFORMA National Newsletter. This position requires regular communication with newsletter co-editors and may require collaboration with book review editors and REFORMA administrative leadership. Spanish/English language proficiency is preferred, although not required. Current Co-Editors will be available for training and guidance.
Wanted: Regular Columnists. Columnists will be required to make a 6- or 12-month commitment to submit bimonthly or monthly contributions of 500-750 words on a specified subject. Columns may be written in Spanish, English or Spanglish. Just as article submissions, columns will be subject to editing and revision due to space, grammar, and clarity.