REFORMA Recommends: Books for Teens & Adults
Monday, July 13, 2020
by: Alexandra Gomez

Section: REFORMA Recommends

Winter/Summer 2020

Alexandra Gomez is the Supervising Librarian responsible for the collection development of Spanish and other world languages materials at BookOps, the shared technical services organization of the Brooklyn Public Library and New York Public Library. Alexandra is also an American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholar and a William Randolph Hearst Scholar. She was also the recipient of the REFORMA Northeast Chapter (RNE) Ismael Alicea Professional Development Award and past President of the REFORMA Northeast Chapter 2016/17. The “Spanish Language Book Buzz: What's New in Spanish Language Publishing” was one of her initiatives, as part of the components of the Connecting Literature, Arts, and People (CLAP) Committee activities.

Recommended by Alexandra Gomez

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La casa del placer

By Zoé Valdés
February 2020 | Almuzara
9788417954192 | Adult

An unconventional artist experiences ghostly visions from his past of his unsupportive wife and friendship with Vincent Van Gogh.

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La cocina cotidiana de Vero

By Verónica Cervera
May 2020 | Grupo Anaya Comercial
9788441541993 | Adult

A variety of international recipes, along with helpful tips to reduce food waste and incorporate batch cooking.

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Cocina delicioso con Chef Yisus

By Chef Yisus
March 2020 | Grijalbo Ilustrados
9781949061987 | Adult

The popular TV chef shares his favorite dishes and cooking secrets along with his childhood memories and immigrant experience.

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La granja

By Joanne Ramos
March 2020 | Roca Editorial
9788417541040 | Adult

The author makes her debut with a fiction novel nominated for the NAACP Image Award addressing tough and difficult issues of gender, race, class, religion, social pressure, and the American Dream.

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Guía práctica de primeros auxilios

By Nuria Viver
February 2020 | Vintage Español
9780593081747 | Adult

First aid instructions to help with medical emergencies and other health-related issues.

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Juliet respira profundo

By Gabby Rivera
June 2020 | Vintage Español
9780593081280 | Young Adults

Juliet Milagros Palante, a Puerto Rican teenager born in the Bronx, manages to get a job and enjoys the summer with queer parties, while dealing with her family traditions and new gender transition.

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La luz invisible

ByJesús Valero
June 2020 | Ediciones B
9788466667234 | Adult

An art restorer finds an ancient manuscript hidden in the wall of an old church where she works in Donostia, Spain, and with the help of an enigmatic priest decides to go after the clues found in the diary left by Jean de la Croix, a medieval monk with a mysterious mission.

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Remedios naturales para las alergias

By Rosa Guerrero
March 2020 | Vintage Español
9780593081709 | Adult

Natural remedies to improve the quality of life for people suffering from unexplained allergies.

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¿Por qué tenemos el cerebro en la cabeza?

By Pedro Maldonado
June 2020 | Debate
9786073187589 | Adult

Clear answers to a variety of complex questions about the brain and its functions by the well-known neuroscientist and speaker.

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Rompe tu círculo. Porque tú eres el autor de tu destino

By Raul Molinar
Marzo 2020 | Aguilar
9781644731406 | Adult

The popular announcer of the morning show “El Bueno, La Mala y El Feo” shares life lessons and personal methods to help overcome past tragedies and get ahead with better hopes for the future.

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