REFORMA Recommends: Books for Teens & Adults
Sunday, July 25, 2021
by: Alexandra Gomez

Section: REFORMA Recommends

Spring/Summer 2021

Alexandra Gomez is the Supervising Librarian responsible for the collection development of Spanish and other world languages materials at BookOps, the shared technical services organization of the Brooklyn Public Library and New York Public Library. Alexandra is also an American Library Association (ALA) Spectrum Scholar and a William Randolph Hearst Scholar. She was also the recipient of the REFORMA Northeast Chapter (RNE) Ismael Alicea Professional Development Award and past President of the REFORMA Northeast Chapter 2016/17. The “Spanish Language Book Buzz: What's New in Spanish Language Publishing” was one of her initiatives, as part of the components of the Connecting Literature, Arts, and People (CLAP) Committee activities.

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Como ver nevar al sol | Like Snow on the Sun

by Alexandra Roma
February 2021 | Plataforma Editorial
9788417886318 | Young Adult

Una historia romántica entre dos jóvenes que viven en mundos diferentes y nunca deberían haberse encontrado. ¿Podrá el destino volver a unirlos?

A romantic story between two youngsters who live in different worlds and should have never crossed paths. Can fate bring them back together?

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Educar en la lectura | Instill a Love of Reading

By Jesús Figuerola
June 2021 | Plataforma Editorial
9788417886752 | Adult

Muestra métodos favorables para ayudar a los niños a desarrollar el interés por la lectura. 

It shows practical methods to help children develop an interest in reading.

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Este día importa | This Day Matters

By Carlos Cuauhtémoc Sánchez 
April 2021 | Editorial Diamante
9786079866488 | Adults

El destacado autor y motivador ofrece otra obra emotiva de crecimiento personal para reflexionar y aprender a recuperarse de las adversidades. 

The outstanding author and motivator offers another emotional personal growth work to reflect on and learn to bounce back from adversity.

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Exámen extraordinario | Extraordinary Exam

By Juan Villoro 
March 2021 | Almadía Ediciones
9786071667960 | Adult

Una antología de cuentos seleccionados tales como, un mariachi con conflictos de identidad, riña entre escritores, misteriosos correos electrónicos, el afán de un padre por lograr el afecto de su hija, y un par de historias inéditas del autor. 

An anthology of selected stories such as, a mariachi with identity conflicts, quarrel between writers, mysterious emails, a father’s efforts to win the affection of his daughter, and a couple of unpublished stories by the author.

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Infancia en positivo. Guía definitiva para padres y madres en la educación de sus hijos| Positive childhood. Definitive guide for parents

By Diana Cristina Jiménez
February 2021 | Editorial Almuzara
9788415943914 | Adult

Un manual práctico de crianza que enseña a los padres herramientas esenciales para educar a los hijos a través de la calma, el orden, los valores y la comprensión. 

A practical parenting manual teaches parents essential tools to educate their children through calm, order, values ​​and understanding.

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Marketing digital para los que no saben de Marketing digital | Digital Marketing for those who do not Know About Digital Marketing

By Gonzalo Giráldez Quiroga 
May 2021 | Editorial Almuzara
9788418578564 | Adult

El autor, periodista y especialista en marketing y comunicación digital, explica los principios fundamentales de la mercadotecnia digital actual y sus tendencias.

The author, Journalist and specialist in digital marketing and communication, explains the fundamental principles of current digital marketing and its trends.

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No somos de aquí | We are not from here

By Jenny Torres Sánchez
April 2021 | Philomel Books
9780593312438 | Young Adult

Una narración enternecedora, inspirada en eventos actuales, revela la difícil situación de los inmigrantes fronterizos del sur de EE. UU. y sigue el rastro de tres adolescentes guatemaltecos y sus luchas por sobrevivir a través de la frontera entre Estados Unidos y México.

A heartwarming narrative, inspired by current events, reveals the plight of border immigrants to the southern United States and follows the trail of three Guatemalan teenagers and their struggles to survive across the US-Mexico border.

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Permiso para retirarme: Antimemorias III / Permission To Retire: Antimemories III

By Alfredo Bryce Echenique
May 2021 | Editorial Anagrama
9788433999139| Adult

En esta última entrega de su trilogía personal, el distinguido escritor rememora su conmovedora historia, incluyendo su infancia en Perú, su vida escolar y familiar, además de su partida a Paris y otros viajes por Europa. 

In this latest installment of his personal trilogy, the distinguished writer recalls his moving story, including his childhood in Peru, his school and family life, as well as his departure to Paris and other trips to Europe.

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¡Si yo pude... tú más! | If I could you can do it better!

By Maria Antonieta Collins
March 2021 | Vintage Español
9781984898272 | Adult

La popular periodista y presentadora de televisión comparte su increíble historia, contesta muchas preguntas acerca de su gran transformación, y ofrece consejos de superación personal. 

The popular journalist and television host shares her amazing story, answers many questions about her great transformation, and offers self-improvement advice.

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Tomar, manejar, morir o vivir | Drink, Drive, Die or Live

By Sophie Laroche
March 2021 | Urano
9786077481706 | Young Adult

Solo unos cuantos tragos de más antes de manejar y la vida de cuatro jóvenes cambiaron en un segundo para siempre.

Just a few more drinks before driving and the lives of four young men changed in a second forever.
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