Escupiran sobre mi tumba. (Moriras manana, vol. 3)
Jaime Bayly. Doral: Alfaguara, 2012. 209 pp. $ 18.99. ISBN 978-1-61435-596-2
Friday, July 20, 2012
by: Gloria Abero

Section: Adult Book Reviews

Reviewed by Gloria Abero, Librarian, Clifton Public Library, NJ

With this book, Bayly finishes his Trilogy “Morirás mañana”, in which the Peruvian writer turned to murderer, Javier Garcés, arrives in Argentina where he plans to kill 5 more people who, he says, humiliated or cheated him not so long ago. Garcés recognizes he feels more rewarded killing than writing, although he is aware of the risks.

As he plans the deaths and begins to kill, readers have access to his deepest thoughts about people and literary environment as well as his very low self-esteem.  Alma Rossi (the only woman he really loved) has a short, but crucial appearance in the story. However she is always present in Garcés’ thoughts.
The end is predictable, but the reader will keep turning pages all the way through thanks to the good balance between action and the main character’s reflections.

Bayly manages to make the reader feel sympathetic for this troubled character that –he recognizes- expresses his own thoughts and feelings.  Unlike the second volume of this Trilogy, this one offers a more enjoyable reading because of Bayly’s mastery.


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