The Rise of Marco Rubio
Manuel Roig-Franzia. New York: Simon and Schuster, 2012. 291pp. $25. ISBN: 978-1-4516-7545-0.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
by: Lupita Garza-Grande

Section: Adult Book Reviews

Reviewed by Lupita Garza-Grande

For the reader who is interested in politics or intrigued by Marco Rubio and his rapid rise in politics, this book gives a rare, fascinating and objective glimpse into his life.  Beginning with his family's life in Cuba: from his great-grandmother who lived in a poor, rural area and was a single mother to his grandparents that emigrated to the United States in 1956. Roig-Franzia’s writing is flawless: he combines important political and historical information and presents it in a layman-style language that the reader can understand. With each facet of Rubio’s life, even Rubio’s family life, one learns more about Cuban history. With the important background history, Roig-Franzia tells the story of this Miami-born Cuban-American who excelled with excellent grades and talent on the football field, Rubio was very ambitious from the beginning. His rapid rise began right after college - from winning a seat at the city commission of West Miami to winning a seat in the United States Senate. Rubio is portrayed as a very astute politician, one that has learned how to surround himself with the right people gaining political knowledge in order to continue to rise up on the political ladder.
The book also gives insight into what it’s like to tip-toe around the issue of immigration for Hispanic Republican politicians. It is a fast read that  moves quickly offering an objective look into the life and career of one of the up-and-coming politicians of our times. Manuel Roig-Franzia is a talented writer who has worked for the prestigious Washington Post for the past 11 years--and in The Rise of Marco Rubio, his talent shines through.

This book is recommended for public and academic libraries

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