Rebelion Teamster
Farrell Dobbs. New York: Pathfinder, 2009. 285pp. $19.00. ISBN 13: 978-0-87348-972-0
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
by: Milly C. Lugo

Section: Adult Book Reviews

Reviewed by Milly C. Lugo, Sr. Librarian, Santa Ana Public Library, CA

In this book, Farrell Dobbs, one of the organizers of the landmark strike of 1934 against the trucking companies operating in Minneapolis, provides an insider’s look at the struggles of Teamster Local 574 and how the Local became a vigorous social force in the city.  Rebelión Teamster is the first of four books in the Teamster Series published by Pathfinder.  The series consists of:  Rebelión Teamster, Poder Teamster, Teamster Politics and Teamster Bureaucracy.  Rebelión Teamster and Poder Teamster are available in Spanish.

Jack Barnes, an American Communist and the National Secretary of the Socialist Workers Party, provides a thoughtful introduction to this book explaining that Rebelión Teamster is “the documented history of a solid experience in the struggle between classes…”  Photographs and newspaper clippings add to the historical value of Dobb’s accounts. 

Recommended for adult collections in public and academic libraries

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