Pathways to Progress:
Issues & Advances in Latino Librarianship
Friday, December 28, 2012
by: Francisco Vargas

Section: Adult Book Reviews

December 2012

John Ayala is retired Dean of Learning Resources, Fullerton College, Fullerton, California. Salvador Guerena is Director of the California Ethnic and Multicultural Archives, University of California, Santa Barbara Connect!

I first read Salvador’s Güereña  (Sal) in graduate school while enrolled in the Knowledge River program and his 1990 handbook put a fire under many colleagues at the time fighting over the English only initiatives in Arizona  and swearing we had to make library world a better place and with activism as our middle names.  A decade many of us still feel strongly about our activism in the LIS profession for underrepresented populations most notably the Native American.  Not to say Latinos are way ahead but we have come a long way since. 

Pathways’ takes a deeper look at the issues facing the Latino Librarianship with a heavy emphasis on public, and academic with some mention of school libraries.  This is exactly what Ayala and Güereña have so masterfully crafted for us in this next installment in the series Latinos & Libraries.  An Anthology with a punch and a kick and a magnificent wide and deep list of contributors -only wishing I had been part of this tome-.  

There are several voices that stand out including national heavyweight leaders such as Luis Herrera, Susan Luévano, Oralia Garza and the list is quite long.  It’s however with some sadness and chagrin that we are also reminded of the voices of late Yolanda de Terrible & tatiana de la tierra both feverish activistas on the crusade to bring GLBTQ issues to the forefront.  The discourse is wide, the themes real, and the professional development opportunities large.  

The best part is that conversations are ongoing and this January when we meet in Seattle I am going to make it a point (as I’m sure many of our readers will as well) to visit and reconnect with many of the contributors, pick their brains, and come back to this post and comment, if I haven’t already done so on FB or Twitter

Highly recommended for Academic Libraries, professional development collections, and LIS school resource shelves.
Pathways to Progress: Issues & Advances in Latino Librarianship by John Ayala & Salvador Guerena (Editors). Libraries Unlimited, 2012. 350pp. $55.99 ISBN: 9781591586449 Kindle Edition $40.00 USD

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