Book Title: El libro de las letras, de la A a la Z, y no es diccionario by Victoria Garcia Jolly
ISBN 978-607-457-188-2 (2011) Editorial Lectorum, S.A. de C.V., Mexico, D.F. 261 p. $11.98 Paperback
Monday, May 6, 2013
by: Marcela Calderon-Vodall
Section: Adult Book Reviews
May 2013
Reviewed by: Marcela Calderon-Vodall, The Seattle Public Library. Marcela is a Reformista from the Pacific Northwest chapter and she's the Spanish Language Librarian for The Seattle Public Library. Connect.
The author took many years to study, compile, organize, and write all the information she found to create this book. On top of that, she did it cheerfully. She started writing it as a series of articles for her Graphic Design class, which later became this book. The author analyzes the 27 letters of the Spanish alphabet, including Ch and Ll. Are these two letters or not? She explains the origin of the letters with a lot of graphics and also describes the different ways to write the same letter. She confesses that she fell in love with the letter K and, thinking about it, it came to me that I should write my last name like this, Kalderón, instead of with a C. How about that dear reader? I think the purist of the Real Academia Española would say: ¡NO! Recommended for Public Libraries.