Monday, March 24, 2014
by: Camila Alire
Section: Adult Book Reviews
Camila Alire is the Past-President of the American Library Association for 2009 to 2010 She recently co-authored Serving Latino Communities, Academic Librarians as Emotionally Intelligent Leaders In 2012 Connect.
Two pieces of work, a book and its companion documentary film, encompass this review.
¡Viva La Tradición! Denver, CO, Publication Printers Corp., 2013. 56 pp. $35.00, No ISBN, Order Address: Hilos Culturales Inc. 6819 Redwing Lane, Alamosa, CO 81101
¡Viva La Tradición! – Premio Hilos Culturales 2000 – 2012 is a pictorial/biographical book that illustrates an important part of a living American heritage – the Hispanos in northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. It offers a unique insight and understanding of an artistic genre that is little known beyond the upper Río Grande region. Due to geographical and historical circumstances, the history, culture and traditions of these Latinos remained in isolation for generations; thus, the legacy of the individuals recognized in this book is unknown to many other areas of the United States.
This treasury of photos and personal biographies unveils a fascinating and artistically significant story of folk musicians and folk dancers who have distinguished themselves as representatives of the traditional musical genre of northern New Mexico and southern Colorado. Their stories mirror the past and reflect the present by giving voice to over four centuries of life ways, highlighting the cultural foundations of regional arts of folk dance and music.
Recommended for public, academic, school libraries and bookstores.
Hilos Culturales/Cultural Threads. Phil Lucero Productions, 2013. 29mins/10secs. No ISBN, Order Address: Hilos Culturales Inc. 6819 Redwing Lane, Alamosa, CO 81101
Hilos Culturales/Cultural Threads is a film documentary in which the scenic landscape of San Luis, the oldest town in Colorado, serves as a backdrop. Featuring a group of summer institute faculty, the film captures a mosaic of history, music and traditions that are woven into the script written by Dr. Herman Martínez. He guides the narrative that leads to a broader appreciation of past and existing contributions made to our nation’s heritage by local Hispano families and communities.
A cast of artists, folklorists and historians present vignettes on popular topics that include 16th century explorations originating in central Mexico and steering the way into the area of present day New Mexico and Colorado. Through interviews, performances and lectures, these institute faculty share a vast pattern of folk traditions and customs woven together to bring a clear realization of the folkways of Spanish-speaking communities along the upper Río Grande region. This narrative serves to expand one’s view of our Latino culture; interweaving into the fabric of rich traditions and culture…for the next generation.
Recommended for public, academic, school libraries and bookstores