The Buena Salud Guide for a Healthy Heart/La guia de Buena Salud para un corazon sano
Jane L. Delgado, Ph.D., M.S. Newmarket Press, 2011. 128 pp. $9.95. ISBN: 9781557049438.
Thursday, December 29, 2011
by: Reviewed by Cristina Dominguez Ramirez

Section: Adult Book Reviews

Fall/Winter 2012

Reviewed by Cristina Dominguez Ramirez, MPA, MSLS, MA, Virginia Commonwealth University, Richmond, VA

The president and CEO of the National Alliance for Hispanic Health, the nation’s largest organization of health and human service providers to Hispanics, wrote these books as part of the Buena Salud®  series, which aims to educate Latinos about a variety of health issues common to the community. Each book presents real-life case stories, tools to support healthy life changes, questions to take to health providers and help understanding test results and treatment options. The books are written in a style that is easy to follow in both languages and couched in the Latino community’s cultural context. The websites listed as resources have been reviewed by medical experts for accuracy and currency. Terms and concepts are clearly defined and explained for the lay reader.  All titles in the series are available in both English and Spanish versions. 
Written by a Latina doctor seeking to provide straightforward advice to the Hispanic community, all titles are HIGHLY RECOMMENDED

Other titles in the series:
The Buena Salud®  Guide to Overcoming Depression and Enjoying Life/
La guía de Buena Salud® para superar la depresión y disfrutar la vida

Buena Salud®  Guide to Diabetes and Your Life/La guía de Buena Salud® sobre la diabetes y tu vida

Buena Salud®  Guide to Health; Consejos and Caring Answers/
La guía de
Buena Salud® : Consejos y respuestas para la mujer latina
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