Award-winning journalist and novelist Lantigua has done it again as readers sojourn with private investigator Willie Cuesta in this superb fast-paced thrillerabout an affluent Colombian family in Key Biscayne, Florida. Carmen Estrada’s husband was killed after being kidnapped from his home in Colombia. A few years later, her only son José was also kidnapped. Upon paying the ransom, the Estrada clan and staff relocated to Florida where they hoped to be safe from kidnappers. At least that was the plan. Doña Carmen is still fearful that José will be taken again and has hired Cuesta to protect the family. Cuesta does so while investigating the Estrada family and their between Colombia and Key Biscayne, wading through clues to solve the kidnappings, money laundering, and other escapades. Lantigua’s lucid descriptions of the characters, their vibrant homes and landscapes in both Florida and South America will captivate the reader in this splendid and gripping novel.
RECOMMENDED for public libraries and bookstores.