Caught between that awkward state of boyhood and manhood, fifteen-year-old Ari, a self-proclaimed loner, thinks the long summer ahead of him will be as disorderly and boring as every other day. This changes the minute he meets Dante at the pool. With Mexican heritage as their only commonality, the boys are polar opposites in terms of personality, self-assurance, and outlook on life. But as strange as the secrets of the universe, the two are inexplicably drawn to each other, developing a friendship with deeply rooted emotions. Throughout this character driven novel, readers begin to understand that the boys have more in common than their heritage – a love that will leave them confused, broody, and soaring. Juxtaposing lilting prose with typical teenage dialog, Sáenz has crafted a quiet, deceptively simple novel that will resonate with readers struggling to find their place in the universe.
Highly Recommended.
Reviewed by:
Jamie Campbell Naidoo,
Associate Professor,
University of Alabama,
School of Library and Information Studies,
Tuscaloosa, AL.