Interview with Cookbook Author and Blogger Verónica Cervera
Libbhy Romero

Verónica Cervera has published recipes from around the world on her blog La cocina de Vero for almost ten years. She is the author of Vero's Cuban Cuisine (Oberon, 2015), Vero's Everyday Kitchen (Oberon, 2020), and co-author of Yo cocino latino (Grijalbo, 2021). Her dishes have also appeared on BabyCenter en Español, El Nuevo Herald, Telemundo 51, People en Español, and Nuestra Voz.

Chapter News
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En español
Member Profiles
News Articles
Página de poesía
President's Column
REFORMA Recommends
Spring/Summer 2021
President's Column
Carta del Presidente
Champions' Showcase: Ideas We Should Steal
Exhibición de campeones: Ideas que deberíamos robar
Celebrate Día Spotlight: Gail Borden Public Library
Celebrate Día Spotlight: REFORMA Washington
Interview with Cookbook Author and Blogger Verónica Cervera
We Urgently Need Children’s Books About Undocumented Activists
Nos urgen libros para niños sobre los activistas indocumentados
Yakima Valley Libraries: Serving the Spanish-Speaking Community During the Pandemic
Bibliotecas de Yakima Valley: sirviendo a la comunidad hispanohablante durante la pandemia
A Year of Reflection: REFORMA San José State University Student and Alumni Group
Un año de reflexión: Grupo REFORMA de estudiantes y exalumnos de la Universidad Estatal de San José
REFORMA Recommends: Books for Children
REFORMA Recommends: Books for Teens & Adults
Meet Our Members: Sheridan Cazares
Meet Our Members: Adriana Lugo
REFORMA Scholarship Winners
REFORMA Newsletter

Editorial Team
  • Libbhy Romero | Newsletter Coordinator
  • Chris Ortega | Editor
  • Madeline Peña  | Technology Committee
  • Edwin Rodarte  | Technology Committee
  • Celia Avila  | Public Relations Committee
  • Joanna M. Arteaga  | Translations Committee
Newsletter Submission Guidelines


* indicates required
President’s Letter
by: Oscar Baeza



I close this presidential year with hope for the future, and that our organization continues to flourish and accomplish many great things. This past year was difficult because of the pandemic. Nevertheless, we succeeded. Not once did I hear any of our Reformistas say “I can’t” or “that is not possible.” Reformistas stayed positive and turned impossible challenges into possible solutions. So for that, I thank you REFORMA for a wonderful year!

Yakima Valley Libraries: Serving the Spanish-Speaking Community During the Pandemic
by: Francisco Garcia-Ortiz, PhD



Yakima Valley Libraries is located in the beautiful, agricultural Yakima County in south-central Washington State. Yakima County is 4,296 square miles and is the second-largest county in Washington State.

Nos urgen libros para niños sobre los activistas indocumentados
by: Alejandra Domenzain



Tengo el privilegio de haber trabajado por 20 años en el movimiento de derechos laborales para trabajadores inmigrantes. He visto a trabajadores de la costura protestando afuera de tiendas de moda exigiendo que su ropa se produzca en condiciones justas; a trabajadoras domésticas abogando para el uso de productos de limpieza que no dañen su salud; a trabajadores agrícolas pidiendo protección del calor y humo de incendios forestales; a limpiadoras de edificios (janitors) que trabajan solas en la noche haciendo una huelga de hambre para exigir un fin al acoso sexual; y a trabajadores de restoranes de comida rápida protestando porque su empleador no los estaba protegiendo del COVID-19.