
Nominations for REFORMA Leadership

Please consider nominating yourself or an individual for a position on the REFORMA Executive Committee.


For more almost 45 years REFORMA is committed to the improvement of library and information services for all Latinos and Spanish-speaking in the United States. We need good leaders to continue this mission.

The REFORMA Nominations Committee is looking for dedicated members in good standing to run for the positions below:

Vice-President / President Elect – one year (serves as President for the following year and then one year as the Immediate Past President);

Secretary – two years;

Chapter Representative—East Region – two years;

Chapter Representatives—Central Region - two years 

Please consult the REFORMA Manual for the full description of responsibilities for each position. We encourage you to nominate yourself or an individual interested in a leadership position committed to serve on the REFORMA Executive Committee and Board of Directors. Nominees must have current membership status in REFORMA.

By Tuesday, November 24, 2015, please send me the contact information (name, email, phone#) of the person you are nominating via email to .

Thank you for your consideration and support,

REFORMA Nominations Committee
Beatriz Guevara (President)
Silvia Cisneros (Immediate Past President)
Selina Gomez-Beloz (Vice-President / President Elect)
Maria Kramer (Nominations Committee Chair)


Maria Kramer, Chair of the REFORMA Nomination Committee

Maria Kramer
Redwood City Public Library
1044 Middlefield Rd
Redwood City, CA 94063
T 650-780-7043
F 650-780-7069



