
Call for Presentations

The REFORMA International Relations Committee is accepting submissions for presentations for its webinar “Library information services to Latinos supporting human rights.” The deadline to receive submissions is February 24. 
Our world is in turmoil. Latinos from different countries and heritage backgrounds are in need of library services supporting human rights. The information seeking process is driven by major life transitions such as violence against women and human rights violations. People from different countries are suffering from restrictions and censorship of their basic life rights that we take for granted here in the U.S.A. REFORMA is presenting an online event to discuss actionable ways in which librarians can support information needs for Latinos  experiencing these situations.

Interested colleagues can send one page, double-spaced, including title and description about any of the following topics to 

  • Human rights violations
  • Violence against women
  • Information seeking driven by a major life transition
  • Library services for Latinos with different heritage backgrounds
  • Legal/History open access resources for Spanish-language library patrons
  • Examples about information services to expatriated Latinos from countries in any region experiencing violence or hardships
Accepted presentations will be notified by March 13 for a presentation during the first week of April. 

We look forward to receiving your submissions by February 24, 2023. Please, send them to 

REFORMA International Relations Committee
Elizabeth Garcia, Co-Chair
Loida Garcia-Febo, Co-Chair
Juan Andrés Fuentes 
Antonio López 
Ziba Pérez
Salvadora Sosa Prieto



