
Former President Loida Garca Febo - International Appointment

Felicidades to Former President Loida García Febo (2009-2010) for her appointment to the Governing Board of IFLA (International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions),  elected by library people around the world, coming in at #7 with the votes, as you will see below.

REFORMA is proud of Loida's accomplishments and her ongoing connection to and with REFORMA, National and the Northeast Chapter. Former President Loida took an active role with increasing the presence of National REFORMA on social media, creating international REFORMA alliances with IFLA and a stronger alliance with the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee. She is currently the Chair of the National REFORMA Legislative Committee. 

A Personal Message from Loida: 

Dear colleagues:
I am deeply honored and truly humbled to have been elected by IFLA members to serve in the IFLA Governing Board. I look forward to continue working with IFLA Members, Partners and Staff to develop strong libraries for equal and innovative societies worldwide. Advocacy, Multicultural Populations, Membership, Technological Innovation, New Librarians and Strengthening IFLA are among my top priorities. 
I thank you for your confidence Africa, Asia, Australia, Europe, and North, Central and South America!
Loida García Febo

Complete announcement, here



