Dues Increase and Chapter/National Allocation Proposals Passes
- On: 08/31/2013 20:28:48
- In: News & Announcements
Both proposals passed by a large majority. New member dues and chapter/national allocations go into effect September 1, 2013
The REFORMA Board of Directors and General membership has been in discussions this past year about REFORMA finances and we have realized it is time to increase our dues and restructure our allocation of funds between the national office and local chapters. Two proposals were sent to the membership for their approval.
The first proposal was an across the board dues increase for all categories that would increase member dues by $10 per category and institutional member dues by $50
The second proposal was to revise the National/Chapter dues allocation where the chapters and nationals would split the member dues 50-50.
Below are the results:
A total of 861 members were sent the survey. 417 (48%) members responded.
Shall REFORMA increase dues? A yes vote will mean that REFORMA will increase member dues by $10 per category and organizational dues by $50.
YES: 373 (89%)
NO: 44: (11%)
Total respondents: 417
Shall REFORMA revise the National/Chapter dues allocation? A yes vote means that chapters and national will split member dues 50-50.
YES: 323 (79%)
NO: 89: (21%)
Total respondents: 411 (6 people did not vote on this question)