REFORMA National Conference IV
September 15, 2011 - September 18, 2011
Time: All Day
Westin Denver Downtown Hotel, 1672 Lawrence Street, Denver, CO 80202
Event Website:
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Orlando Archibeque
Contact Phone: 1-303-499-7598
Contact Email:
Sponsor Information
Sponsor: REFORMA & Various Contributors
RNC IV Pre-Conference (Seminar A)
September 15, 2011
Time: 8:00 AM MST - 12:00 PM MST
Westin Denver Downtown: Blake Room
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Susan Luevano
Contact Email:
Librarians Without Walls: Working with the Community / Bibliotecas sin Paredes
Speaker: Cristina Dominguez Ramirez, Collection Librarian for Social & Behavioral Sciences/ Assistant Professor, Virginia Commonwealth University
Cost: $50 (REFORMA Member); $75 (Non-Member)
This seminar will discuss how to make the most of your role as academic or public librarian to promote educational programs, outreach, community engagement, and information sharing with the local Latino community and the larger multi-ethnic community. As REFORMA librarians, we hold many keys to information management as well as a responsibility to help promote Latino education and education of the larger community. This can be accomplished through our work in networking with community organizations, other library and information professionals, academic departments and units, service workers, non-profit agencies, and student groups. The use of Facebook, twitter, LinkedIn, and other social networking sites and media help to bridge physical barriers in order to promote programs, activities, information, and events to the community.
RNC IV Pre-Conference (Seminar B) - CANCELLED
September 15, 2011
Time: 8:00 AM MST - 12:00 PM MST
Westin Denver Downtown: Curtis Room
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Susan Luevano
Contact Email:
Finding Reliable Health Information for Latino Communities
Speaker: Yamila El-Khayat, Outreach Services Librarian, Arizona Health Sciences Library
Cost: $50 (REFORMA Member); $75 (Non-Member)
This seminar will provide insight in the effective use of internet health information resources, highlighting the National Library of Medicine (NLM) and the National Network of Libraries of Medicine (NN/LM) products. Databases with culturally appropriate information such as Medline Plus and a few others will be introduced in hopes to improve access to reliable health information in our Latino communities. Our goal is to provide access to health information so that informed decisions about health are made.
RNC IV Pre-Conference (Seminar C)
September 15, 2011
Time: 8:00 AM MST - 12:00 PM MST
University of Colorado Denver, Auraria Library: Enhanced Learning Center
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Susan Luevano
Contact Email:
Volunteer-Based Adult Education Programs for Hispanics: A Case Study of the Plaza Comunitaria @ Richardson Public
Speaker: Yolanda Medina, Coordinator, Richardson Public Library
Cost: $50 (REFORMA Member); $75 (Non-Member)
Plaza Comunitaria is a volunteer-based, free of charge, adult literacy program for Hispanics in collaboration with the Mexican Institute of Adult Education (INEA), the Richardson Independent School District and the Richardson Public Library. There are over 400 Plazas Comunitarias in the United States. This program allows Hispanics to learn to read and write in their native language, complete Elementary and Intermediate level education, transition into GED preparation, learn English as a Second Language, and learn computer and life skills. The seminar would explain the process in opening a Plaza Comunitaria in your library and how the program works using the Richardson Public Library as a case study.
RNC IV Pre-Conference (Seminar D)
September 15, 2011
Time: 1:30 PM MST - 5:30 PM MST
Westin Denver Downtown: Blake Room
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Susan Luevano
Contact Email:
¡Adelante! Developing Latino Library Leaders as Change Agents
Speakers: Dr. Camila Alire, University of New Mexico, Dean Emerita; Luis Herrera, City Librarian, San Francisco Public Library
Cost: $50 (REFORMA Member); $75 (Non-Member)
Are you preparing for your future? Do you want to be prepared to lead change in libraries and in our profession? This interactive workshop is designed to prepare Latino colleagues who envision their career paths heading towards directorships in multi-type libraries and/or for top leadership positions within our professional associations. It is also designed for younger colleagues who might be curious about how to prepare for this career path. To help develop your career’s competitive edge, topics covered range from understanding emotional intelligence leadership to leading change to developing best practices and cultural competencies to expanding your leadership skills portfolio.
RNC IV Pre-Conference (Seminar E)
September 15, 2011
Time: 1:30 PM MST - 5:30 PM MST
Westin Denver Downtown: Curtis Room
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Susan Luevano
Contact Email:
Reaching Out to Spanish-Speaking Students in Academic Libraries
Speakers: Minerva Alaniz, Associate Librarian, Texas Tech University Library; Innocent Awasom, Assistant Librarian, Texas Tech University Library; Ester De-Leon, Specialist IV, Texas Tech University Library
Cost: $50 (REFORMA Member); $75 (Non-Member)
Hispanics/Latinos represent the fastest growing segment of the population in the United States today and the Census 2000 projected that they would constitute 25% of the entire population by 2050. Libraries have traditionally been and remain a place where people of all ages seek and find information, develop the love of reading, advance the pursuit of knowledge while enhancing their quality of life. Unfortunately, academic libraries are huge and complex to those new to the university and are regarded in awe, when compared to school, county or public libraries that they may have hitherto been used to. Most of the studies on outreach to Hispanics have been focused on school and public libraries. This seminar/workshop explores in an interactive manner ways of bridging the socio-cultural, psychological, technological and institutional inadequacies through outreach models to facilitate access to and use of academic library resources by Hispanic students in colleges across the country.
RNC IV Pre-Conference (Seminar F)
September 15, 2011
Time: 1:30 PM MST - 5:30 PM MST
University of Colorado Denver, Auraria Library: Enhanced Learning Center
Organization Details
Organization: REFORMA
Contact Name: Susan Luevano
Contact Email:
Growing Up with Bilingual Programming: A Tribute to Rose Treviño
Speakers: Paula Gonzales, Children’s Librarian, Harris County Public Library Lone Star College-CyFair Branch;
Abigail Morales, Library Technician II, San Diego County Library,
Santee Branch; Katie Cunningham, Children's Librarian I, Lexington Public Library, Village Branch;
Freda Mosquera, Librarian II, Broward County Library, Youth Services Administration;
Tiffany Fontenot, Para los Niños Outreach Coordinator, Children’s Museum of Houston
Cost: $50 (REFORMA Member); $75 (Non-Member)
The goal of this workshop is to offer Children and Youth Services Librarians, and Educators a variety of library program ideas that will enhance bilingual programming. As the Hispanic population increases, there is a growing need for more quality bilingual programming for children in libraries, schools and other entities. The purpose of this presentation is to introduce the importance of quality bilingual children's programs that incorporated math, reading, science and writing skills using creative and fun manipulatives. This program will follow the theme for the RNC IV conference "Elevating Latino Services to a Higher Level: Juntos in the Mile High City!" by offering and demonstrating quality bilingual children's programs. The presentation will include a how-to hands-on programs geared for babies through elementary age children. A large portion of the presentation will cover the "Para los ninos" program and will be dedicated as a tribute to Rose Trevino who was an advocate for the "Para los ninos" outreach program.