Children's & Young Adult Services Committee (CAYASC)
- Jenny Lizarraga, Chair, liaison to the Association of Library Services to Children (ALSC)
- Jessica Agudelo, Co-Chair
- Lucia Gonzalez, Noche de Cuentos Coordinator
- Oralia Garza de Cortes, Pura Belpré Award Coordinator
- Patrick Sullivan, Children in Crisis Coordinator,
- Madeline Peña, Día & Noche Mini Grants Coordinator
- Ana-Elba Pavon, Co-Chair Pura Belpré Expansion Task Force
Initiatives / Sub-Committes
- Pura Belpré Award, co-sponsored by REFORMA and the Association for Library Service to Children (ALSC).
- Noche de Cuentos, REFORMA family literacy initiative to promote and preserve the art of storytelling within our Latino communities in the U.S.
- El día de los niños, El día de los libros, REFORMA is a founding partner of Día.
- Children in Crisis, REFORMA delivers books in Spanish to children in ICE facilities, detention centers, shelters, law offices, and group homes around the country.
- Book Review Committee:The CAYASC Book Review Committee reviews books written or illustrated by Latinos for Children and Young Adults. Search the site by Title, Author, Illustrator, Age, or Subject to find books for a School or Public Library.
Charge / Description
- Provides a forum for the exchange of ideas and information relevant to the effective delivery of library services to Spanish speaking children in the United States.
- Addresses specific issues relevant to the effective delivery of library services such as the use of traditional measures which may result in inequitable and discriminatory allocation of resources, collection development policies which incorporate relevant criteria to the needs of Spanish speaking families, and the lack of Spanish speaking children’s librarians and managers.
- Serves as the liaison to the Association of Library Services to Children (ALSC), specifically in issues that are related to the Pura Belpre award. From January to June of each year, plans, organizes, and coordinates the Celebration for the Pura Belpre Award Ceremony.
- Explores and encourages cooperative programming and sponsorship with ALSC and other organization within ALA charged with providing services to Latino/a youth.
- Establishes and publishes “Guidelines for Spanish Language Collection Development for Children.”
- Explore alliances and partnerships with other youth-serving organizations, such as the National Association for Bilingual Education (NABE), the California Association for Bilingual Education (CABE), National Council of La Raza (NCLR), and the Children’s Defense Fund.