Standing Committees

Academic Librarians Advancing Service (ALAS) Committee
Empowers academic librarians through advocacy, professional development, and collaboration in order to enhance library services, promote cultural inclusivity, and support the educational success of Latinx students in higher education.

Awards Committee
Reviews and selects on an annual basis the Librarian of the Year and Lifetime Achievement awards.

Children's & Young Adult Services Committee (CAYASC)
Focuses on library services, programs and materials aimed at children and young adults.

Education Committee
Promotes library and information education as a viable profession and encourages curricula relevant to services to Latinos.

Finance Committee
Oversees the finances of the organization.

Fundraising Committee
Focuses on raising funds in support of the mission and goals of National REFORMA.

International Relations Committee
Focuses on networking with international individuals and organizations interested in library services to the Spanish-speaking.

Joint Council of Librarians of Color
Represents REFORMA within the Joint Council of Librarians of Color.

Legislative Committee
Monitors state and national legislation as it relates to library services to the Latino community.

Membership Committee
Charged with updating the annual membership application and reviewing issues and trends in association membership.

Mentoring Committee
Encourages an interdependent community of leaders through a mindful and mutually beneficial network of protéegées and mentors with the shared purpose of engaging Latinxs with libraries.

Nominations Committee
Recruits candidates for elected offices and conducts the annual election process.

Organizational Development and New Chapters Committee
Oversees the organizational development of REFORMA, particularly as it relates to the formation of new chapters.

Program Committee
Organizes, plans, and sponsors REFORMA programs held at the American Library Association midwinter & annual conferences.

Public Relations Committee
Conducts publicity for the events and activities of REFORMA, including press releases, social media, and newsletter publication.

REFORMA National Conferences Coordinating Committee
Provides oversight for a process to plan REFORMA National Conferences.

Research Committee
Examines current trends, statistics, research, best practices, and information on programming and services related to serving Latinx/a/o and Spanish-speaking communities in libraries.

Scholarships Committee
Accepts and reviews applications, and selects annual scholarship winners awarded by National REFORMA.

Technology Committee
Focuses on the use of information technology in serving the informational needs of the Latino community and REFORMA.

Translations Committee
Serves as a point of contact for the association needing assistance with translations to carry forward official business of the organization.