Call for Presentations

[New] Call for Pre-Conference Presentations

Reformistas are known and admired for their creativity, energy, commitment and endless enthusiasm. This is your opportunity to share with your colleagues your success in developing and delivering high-quality library resources and services with and for Latino/Hispanic communities. Please consider becoming a presenter, co-presenter, or panelist at the fourth REFORMA National Conference (RNC IV) to be held September 15-18, 2011 at the Westin-Tabor Center hotel in downtown Denver.

Presentations should reflect the overall theme of the conference, “Elevating Latino Services to a Higher Level: Juntos in the Mile High City.” Presentations are 75 minutes long, including a question/answer period. We can accommodate approximately 40 presentations during the conference. An evaluation committee will evaluate the submitted proposals and will make final selections.

Deadline: The deadline to submit a proposal is February 1, 2011. Final selections will be made by the evaluation committee in February and notifications will be sent out on March 1, 2011.

If you are interested in presenting at this national conference please click on this link to submit your proposal online.

If you have any questions about submitting your proposal, please contact