Nominations Committee



  • Silvia Cisneros, Chair
  • REFORMA President
  • REFORMA Vice-President/President-Elect
  • REFORMA Immediate Past President

Charge / Description

  1. Chooses a slate of qualified candidates for Vice President/President-Elect, Secretary, Treasurer, one to three Chapter Representatives, and Memberat-large and presents a slate of candidates of no less than two (2) nominees and no more than four (4) per office to the Board of Directors at ALA Midwinter.
  2. Informs each candidate that they will need to make a presentation to the Board at ALA Midwinter and submit a “Statement of Purpose” by the required Newsletter deadline.
  3. Collects, counts ballots, and reports the results to the membership.
  4. Notifies the candidate of the results of the election prior to the ALA Annual Conference.