Public Relations Committee
- Celia Avila - Social Media, Website & Email Communications
- Florencia Díaz - Newsletter & Editorial Team
Committee Members
- Denisse Solis
- N. Yasmin Bromir
- Zoraida Martinez
- Fiorella Casella
- Antonio Cobos Flores
- Pedro Antonio Del Valle López
- Alda Allina Migoni
- Chris Ortega (Newsletter Editor)
- Madeline Peña
- David Lopez
Charge / Description
The Public Relations committee works to successfully represent REFORMA and do the following:
- Write and distribute official REFORMA Press Release announcements which include, REFORMA officer elections, REFORMA programs at ALA Annual and Midwinter conferences, announcement of REFORMA positions, REFORMA sponsored awards and scholarships, and the formation of new REFORMA ventures.
- Actively communicate information through social media, website, REFORMAnet, REFORMA forums in AMS, Listservs for other related organizations (ALA Divisions, RoundTables, etc; affiliated ethnic organizations; state listservs, etc.)
- Increase social media visibility and activity by creating welcoming, professional networks which serve as a foundation for REFORMA’s mission to serve library professionals who work with Latinos and the Spanish speaking.
- Record REFORMA history and present-day activity through the publication of photographs and official/unofficial announcements via social media outlets.