Silvia Cisneros

2012 Arnulfo D. Trejo Librarian of the Year!

     Silvia Cisneros is the President of the Orange County REFORMA Chapter, 2010-2012, and a Senior Librarian with the Santa Ana Public Library. In a short five years, Mrs. Cisneros has distinguished herself as a passionate library leader. Her program "Seeds to Trees” positively impacted 1,257 at-risk bilingual teens and college-age young adults from non U.S.-born families in southern California. Cisneros has not only impacted the lives of adolescents, she has proven an invaluable resource for burgeoning librarians as well.In 2011, Cisneros designed, coordinated and chaired a successful “21st Century Librarian Workshop” that was aimed at all Laura Bush Grant participants and library grad school students at San Jose State University. Recently, Pat Mora selected Cisneros to become a California Dia de los Ninos/Dia de los libros Ambassador, and the Eureka Leadership Institute awarded Cisneros a Fellowship to implement innovative programming.