REFORMA's call to librarians to stay engaged with our communities
Approved by Reforma Executive Committee: November 18, 2016
REFORMA expresses its unwavering support to the 54 million of Latinos in the USA which constitutes 17% of the total population of the country. We call on librarians to stay engaged with our communities who need us. We encourage libraries and library workers to continue welcoming all members of our communities to the library, and to provide access to information for all.
REFORMA is committed to working with ALA and its affiliates to advocate for legislation and policies that benefit all libraries and their funding. We will continue promoting intellectual freedom, human rights, and our core belief that libraries are essential to democracy.
REFORMA reasserts its commitment to diversity and inclusion by developing Spanish-language and Latino-oriented library collections, working towards the recruitment of bilingual and multicultural library personnel, promoting public awareness of libraries and librarianship among Latinos, advocating on behalf of the information needs of the Latino community, and being a liaison to other professional organizations. We maintain our unwavering support for
REFORMAChildren in Crisis Project to assist unaccompanied refugee children who are being processed, and
Dia de los Ninos/ Dia de los Libros, a celebration emphasizing the importance of literacy for children of all linguistic and cultural backgrounds.
REFORMA is the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking. Established in 1971 as an affiliate of the American Library Association (ALA), REFORMA has actively sought to promote the development of library collections to include Spanish-language and Latino oriented materials; the recruitment of more bilingual and bicultural library professionals and support staff; the development of library services and programs that meet the needs of the Latino community; the establishment of a national information and support network among individuals who share our goals; the education of the U.S. Latino population with regard to the availability and types of library services; and lobbying efforts to preserve existing library resource centers serving the interests of Latinos. For more information, please visit