Resolution Opposing Sensenbrenner Bill (H.R. 4437)

REFORMA Legislative Committee
Updated 4/12/06 1:30 PM

Resolution Opposing Sensenbrenner Bill (H.R. 4437)

Whereas, REFORMA's main and ongoing mission is to promote library and information services to Latinos and the Spanish-speaking,

Whereas, REFORMA is on record in support of immigrants' rights,

Whereas, anti-immigrant measures, such as Sensenbrenner Bill H.R. 4437 deleteriously affects the entire Latino community, regardless of legal status or citizenship status,

Whereas, the Sensenbrenner Bill - H.R. 4437 is totally punitive in trying to make felons out of undocumented immigrants, denying them any human, civil, working, or due process rights; seeks to make criminals out of people who aid undocumented immigrants, including clergy, health care workers, teachers, and possibly librarians; gives no recognition of the significant contributions immigrants make to our local and national economies and to our communities; and was passed by the United States House of Representatives on December 16, 2005 by a vote of 239-182 and has been sent to the Senate, Whereas, Senate Judiciary Committee Chair Specter (R. Pennsylvania) has drawn upon existing bills and the Sensenbrenner bill into a draft bill, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006, which is currently being debated in the Senate,

Therefore be it resolved that, REFORMA is against Senator Specter's bill, the Comprehensive Immigration Reform Act of 2006

Be it further resolved that, REFORMA will take immediate action to alert the Senate about their position on this legislation

Be it further resolved that, REFORMA will alert and encourage their members to contact the Senate in opposition of this and any future similar anti-immigrant legislation

Be it further resolved that, REFORMA will alert and encourage their allied ethnic library associations and ALA to oppose anti-immigration legislation,

Be it further resolved that, REFORMA will alert their members to take an active part in educating their communities about immigration and social justice for all immigrant communities,

Be it further resolved that, REFORMA will promote libraries as safe sites and venues for citizen education about immigration issues,

Be it further resolved that, REFORMA will encourage library workers to act as advocates for the education of undocumented immigrants about their human rights.