REFORMA 2020 National Election

The REFORMA Nomination Committee nominates candidates from among the general membership for the following positions:

Vice-President/President-Elect (annually)
Secretary (every two years)
Treasurer (every two years)
Chapter Reps (every two years)
Members-at-Large Rep (every two years)

REFORMA elections are held in the spring of each year with the results announced in late May.

2020 Election Information

On Monday, April 20, 2020 all REFORMA members in good standing will receive an email inviting them to participate in the 2020 REFORMA National Election. To be eligible to vote, individuals must be members in good standing as of April 19, 2020

The polls will open on Tuesday, April 28, 2020. The polls will close at 11:59 pm  Eastern Time on Friday, May 29, 2020.

The Nominations Committee will certify the election and announce the results in early June.

Below is a list of the positions and candidates (with links to their candidate statement)

Vice President/President-Elect
- Nicanor Diaz

-Alma McDermott

Chapter Representative (East Region)
- Manny Figueroa

Chapter Representative (Central Region)
-Esther De Leon

Position Decriptions:
- Vice President/President-Elect Position Description (pdf)
- Secretary (pdf)
- Chapter Representative Position Description (pdf)


For questions or comments please contact:

Maria Kramer
Chair, REFORMA Nominations Committee