Beyond virtual and hybrid programs

REFORMA Northeast Leadership Institute / Ebook: Beyond Virtual and Hybrid Programs

Beyond Virtual and Hybrid Programs: How Libraries Recreated a Community During the Covid-19 Pandemic

Download ebook here: pdf; epub

Press Release: The REFORMA Northeast Chapter Leadership Institute announces the publication of the eBook "Beyond Virtual and Hybrid Programs: How Libraries Recreated a Community During the COVID-19 Pandemic" edited by Adriana Blancarte-Hayward, Manuel Figueroa and Fred Gitner, with original cover art designed by Ariana Rivera Goldberg.

Ebook webinar launch presentation: 

Beyond virtual and hybrid programs: How libraries recreated a community during the COVID-19 —Ebook call for submission.

Applicant’s name
Mary Marques, on behalf of the REFORMA Northeast Leadership Institute Team (Manuel Figueroa, Roxana Benavides, Susan Paredes, Asunción Cora and Adriana Blancarte-Hayward)

Institutional application
Free Library of Philadelphia, New York Public Library, Queens Library, and Brooklyn Public Library.

Chapter’s name
REFORMA Northeast


Ebook call for submission

We are Hunting for Your Treasures! Why?
Your experience, insights, and discoveries need to be shared. We want your stories to be told! Our invitation is for you as an Adventurer and Explorer, and library professional to compose a brief program description to share your personal story of creativity, innovation, and change as you proceed through the hard times of this global health emergency. Whether you are a  librarian, library assistant, paraprofessional, etc., you have a programming story to share.

This ebook is a collection of the virtual  and hybrid programs created during the COVID- 19 pandemic: How librarians reinvented their programs in a virtual environment,  the challenges they faced, and how they engaged audiences to still connect people with each other, information and resources.

The committee is looking for up to 75 program entries for this ebook. Proposals are due May 16th, 2022. Submissions are open to all Library staff from any library organization in the United States. One submission per person. If selected, we might reach out for additional information. At the end of this project, this ebook will be available for free in the public domain.

This project is being developed by the REFORMA Northeast Leadership Institute with support from the REFORMA National Grant 2022.

If you have any questions, please send an email to Mary Marques at