Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran Statement
Dr. Michele A. L. Villagran
Nominee for REFORMA Chapter Representative (California Chapters)
Dear REFORMAistas,
Thank you for taking the time to read my statement of purpose in consideration for the California Chapter Representative for REFORMA National.
I am a proud member of the REFORMA, having served at both the local and national levels. Currently, I am the Vice President / President-elect for the
Los Angeles chapter, the
Research committee chair, and the faculty advisor of the
San Jose State University REFORMA student & alumni group. Formerly I have served as chair of the REFORMA Education Committee and as a member of the International Relations Committee. Each of these opportunities is/are/were windows that opened up the door and space for REFORMA members and students alike to not only learn more about REFORMA but to become more engaged and
involved with important issues of supporting and working with Spanish-speaking communities.
Through my faculty role at SJSU School of Information, we have students throughout California, the US, and internationally. Many of our students and
alumni are engaged and active members
of National and their local respective chapters. I am always looking at ways to boost REFORMA – specifically, as California Chapter representative, it would ve humbled to work with and visit each chapter regularly. I have dreams of a possible REFORMA California conference and more space for collaborating together within California. In addition, this is an opportunity to leverage
the strengths of each of our chapters and help support one another just as there are limitless possibilities, Golden State!
I hope you will join me in raising up our membership and elevating REFORMA’s mission across California. I would be honored for your support in this position of California Chapter Representative.