National Program Grants


The REFORMA National Program Grant awards up to $500 to active REFORMA Chapters and at-large members to support projects or programs that further the mission of REFORMA.

Past Winners

Eligibility Criteria

  • Open to active REFORMA Chapters and at-large members. Applicants must be current due paying members.
  • Grant recipients must agree that publicity for their program will identify REFORMA as sponsor/partial sponsor.
  • Grant recipients are required to submit an article with photos to the REFORMA National Newsletter about their project 30 days after program implementation/evaluation.
  • Grant recipients are required to present a summary in person at a local chapter meeting within six months of program completion.
  • Grant recipients may be asked to do a presentation at a conference (ALA Annual, JCLC or REFORMA National Conference).
  • Applications should be submitted electronically using the REFORMA National Grant Program Google Application.
  • Applications must be received by 11:59 PM (PST) on November 30, 2024.

REFORMA National Program Grant Application

To properly evaluate the submission, please answer each question completely.

  • Title of the project.
  • Applicant (s) name, title, institutional affiliation, and contact information.
  • Program description (300-500 words).
  • Audience reached through this project: Who will benefit from this program/project?
  • How will you advertise for this program/project?
  • Program budget. How will you use the $500 award?
  • Evaluation: How will you evaluate the program/project?

Important Dates and Deadlines

  • October - November > Proposals will be received
  • December > Proposals will be reviewed
  • December 18 > Winners will be announced
  • January - December 2025 > Programs are implemented
  • 30 days after the program > Reports due to REFORMA