REFORMA Children in Crisis Book Deliveries

How the books reach the children

There are many people working to ensure that the Unaccompanied Refugee Children receive books.  Until July of 2014 the Customs and Border Protection (CBP) Department was not able to accept these donations. Now, they accept donations.  One of the past presidents of REFORMA, Silvia Cisneros delivered our first shipment of books to the McAllen, Texas CBP facility on September 10, 2014.  We have since made other donations across the country and continue to look for opportunities to connect the children with books. 

Book donations through REFORMA - We've successfully delivered shipments of REFORMA book donations to CBP facilities, Catholic Charities, refugee shelters, bus stations, immigration legal offices, and our members provide library tours and special sessions at various public libraries. REFORMA members have created a list of recommended book titles: REFORMA Recommended Book List that may help if local chapters are trying to select books for donation. 

Donate - You can donate money, using credit cards or Paypal via our Donation Page and those funds will be used to purchase approved books and pay for shipping them to the children currently in detention., October 17, 2014 Karnes City, Texas  Karnes City Residental Center     Members from the REFORMA La Estrella de Tejas Chapter In San Antonio preparing and delivering books.

Friday, October 17, 2014 Karnes City, Texas
Karnes City Residental Center
Members from the REFORMA La Estrella de Tejas Chapter In San Antonio preparing and delivering books.

Wednesday, September 10, 2014 McAllen Texas
Catholic Charities Refugee Shelter
Delivering books from Bilingual Publications to Save the Children.
The first child to recieve a book from the REFORMA Children in Crisis project.  

Wednesday, September 10, 2014 McAllen Texas - Border Patrol Processing Center
 Border Patrol Agent John Lopez with Silvia Cisneros, REFORMA President.

REFORMA del Valle Central distributing books to the participants of the Kids in Need of Defense (KIND) Feria de Recursos for Central American kids and families in Fresno, CA August 8, 2018

Tuesday, September 9, 2014 McAllen Texas
Preparing 225 books from Tomo Books USA, Lectorum, & Librosbooks. A REFORMA bookplate and and book mark were added to each book. 

Thank you to REFORMA La Estrella de Tejas Chapter members Andrea J Silva, Cynthia De Leon, Nohemi Lopez Rosdahl, Jacob Jara, and Theresa Garza Ybarra, all from San Antonio Public Library.