Renew Membership

Renew Online (must be logged in)

To renew your REFORMA Membership online, you will need to first determine whether or not we currently have a member record for you. You can check to see if we have a member record by entering either your email address or last name.

Email Address

Enter the email address that you used when you joined or renewed your REFORMA Membership. If the email address is in the system, a username and password will be emailed to you. You will then need to login and select the "Membership Renewal" option (located under the "Account Details" section).

Last Name

Start the process of joining REFORMA online. You will then be asked to select a membership category. Once you select a membership category, you will be asked to enter your last name or email address. If you enter your last name, all member records with that last name will be listed displaying the full name and city. Select the name and city that matches you. You will then be asked to enter your email address. If the email address is in the system, a username and password will be emailed to you.  You will then need to login and select the "Membership Renewal" option (located under the "Account Details" section).

Need Help?

If you use several email addresses, you may have to make the request more than once to obtain a match. If unsuccessful, your email address may not be in the database.  If you have been a REFORMA member in the past 10 years, you can contact the Membership Committee at and we can look up your record and email you your username and password.

Renew Offline

Download the REFORMA Membership Application and mail completed application and payment to:

PO BOX 71651
Los Angeles, CA 90071.