Dedicated to examining current trends, statistics, research, best practices, and information on programming and services related to serving Latinx/a/o and Spanish-speaking communities in libraries (Academic, Public, School, or Special).
Create a biannual publication of trends to serve as a resource for librarians to learn about successful models/programs to replicate and serve their communities
Share scholarship and research that has been conducted in the field related to serving Latinx/a/o and Spanish-speaking communities
Responsible for updating content on the Resources & Publications section on the main REFORMA website
Identify, investigate, support, and encourage collaboration on, or review and provide feedback on grant proposals; consultation required on any proposals that involve REFORMA
Facilitate or offer writing, research, and confidence-building sessions
Investigate the development of a REFORMA peer-review journal
Goals and Objectives
Goal 1: Establish a REFORMA Research committee presence on the main REFORMA website
Goal 2: Share trends, statistics, research, best practices, and information on programming and services related to serving Latinx/a/o and Spanish-speaking communities in libraries
Goal 3: Support research, writing, and grant opportunities
Goal 4: Offer spaces and places for research, writing, and grant discussions
Dra. Michele AL Villagran, President (she/her/ella)
Dedicated to examining current trends, statistics, investigations, best practices and information regarding programming and services related to the service of Latinx communities and Spanish learning in libraries (academic, public, school or special).
Create a white publication of trends that can be found on a regular basis so that librarians know successful models/programs to replicate and serve their communities
Compare the studies and investigations that have taken place in the field related to the service of the Latinx and Spanish communities.
Responsible for updating the content of the News and Publications section on the main REFORMA website
Identify, investigate, support and foster collaboration, or review and provide feedback on subvention proposals; consult required in any proposal that involves REFORMA
Facilitate and offer sessions on reporting, investigation and capacity building
Investigate the development of a peer-reviewed REFORMA magazine
Goals and objectives
Goal 1: Establish a presence of the REFORMA investigation committee on the main REFORMA website
Goal 2: Compare trends, statistics, investigations, better practices and information about programming and related services with the service of Latinx communities and Spanish language in libraries.
Objective 3: Support investigations, writing and investment opportunities
Objective 4: Offer spaces and places for investigations, writing and conversations about subvenciones
Research Survey
Please consider taking the following survey and sharing it with your colleagues and networks widely. This survey will help us create a biannual publication of trends to serve as a resource for librarians to learn about successful programs/projects to replicate and serve their communities.
The form should take about 10 minutes or less to complete. The committee will collect content year-round. If you have questions, please contact .
We hope you will consider contributing to this important biannual publication as you have programs and projects of interest to share with our communities. Thank you for your consideration.