Call for Proposals

REFORMA National Conference V

April 1-4, 2015
San Diego, CA

Libraries Without Borders: Creating Our Future
Bibliotecas sin fronteras: creando nuestro futuro

Call for Proposals

Proposal Submission Deadline:      September 1, 2014 (Extended)
Notification of Acceptance:            October 15, 2014      
SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL HERE (after reading the program proposal instructions below.)


While working on your proposals, you can save and continue later.  The next time you click on the survey link you will re-enter where you left off. Save and continue will work as long as you return to the survey on the same Internet browser and computer used when you started the survey.

The 2014 REFORMA National Conference Program Committee will evaluate proposals for relevance to the conference theme, clarity, originality, and timeliness. The committee is seeking a diverse array of presenters, including those with different levels of experience and from different institutional and organizational types. All conference proposals should emphasize service to Latinos and the Spanish-speaking in the United States, Puerto Rico, and the borderlands. In addition, the selected program proposal should:

  • Deliver best practices using approaches for different types of learners
  • Contain new or cutting edge ideas
  • Stimulate and provoke discussion
  • Encourage opportunities for learner engagement
  • Demonstrate replicable applications

The 2014 REFORMA National Conference Program Committee has selected the following program tracks. The tracks descriptions should be read carefully before completing the proposal form, as you will be asked to select the track that best applies to your proposal. Examples are provided to stimulate ideas and are not meant to exclude any potential program concepts.
Program Track A: Collections & Resources
  • Development and maintenance of Latino and Spanish language collections
  • Establishment and preservation of Latino archives or digital repositories
  • Latino research collections
  • Use of cataloging, subject headings, and controlled vocabulary to benefit access to Latino or Spanish language collections
Program Track B: Deep Diversity & Intersectionality
  • Exploring critical analysis and the intersections of power, multiple identities, and subjectivities
  • Identifying and addressing microagressions in the workplace
  • Examining best practices and model workplace programs with respect to gender, sexuality, age, religion, race, class, ability, nationality, native languages, and multiculturalism  
  • Sharing traditional knowledge within and among cultural populations
Program Track C: Leadership & Management
  • Staff training, mentoring, or creating opportunities for staff development
  • Challenges or opportunities related to staff recruitment and retention
  • Changing organizational culture
  • Leadership models
Program Track D: Library & Information Studies
  • LIS studies or programming
  • Current developments and events in the field of LIS education
  • Recruitment and retention of Latinos to LIS programs
  • LIS curriculum that promotes diversity and cultural competence
Program Track E: Programs & Services
  • Dual language: Children’s, young adult, and adult programming
  • Creation of cultural programming that reflects the local community
  • Non-traditional reference services or information literacy programs
  • Development of services for users with disabilities, elders, undocumented immigrants, or refugees
Program Track F: Technology & Innovation
  • Teaching emerging technologies to the staff and the public
  • Exploring digital repositories and digitization practices
  • Implementing social networking applications
  • Expanding usage of e-books, mobile devices, and online learning
Before you submit your online proposal prepare the following information:
  • Name, title, complete mailing address, e-mail address, phone number, and affiliation for each participant
    • Each program proposal may have up to four presenters 
  • Program Title (32 word maximum)
  • Descriptive Abstract (80 word maximum)
  • Program Synopsis (400 word maximum)
  • Three Learning Outcomes (300 word maximum)
  • Program Track (Select one of the following)
    • Collections & Resources
    • Deep Diversity & Intersectionality
    • Leadership & Management
    • Library & Information Studies
    • Programs & Services
    • Technology & Innovation
  • Program Format (Select one of the following)
    • Breakout
    • General presentation
    • Poster
  • Target audience (Select all that apply)
    • Academic Librarians
    • Archivist
    • Children or Young Adult Librarians
    • General Audience
    • International Librarians
    • Library & Information Studies Students and Faculty
    • Public Librarians and Staff
    • School Librarians
    • Special Librarians
    • Other 
  • Audio-visual needs (Data projector and screen will be provided.  You must bring your own computer and projector connection cable.)
  • Room set-up (Theater style is the default set-up. You must indicate a needed variation.)

Breakout Session  (75 minutes)       
A group session with facilitator(s) who provide an interactive workshop.
General Presentation  (75 minutes)
General presentations may cover a specialized topic from different perspectives or a general topic in-depth. The presentation may be by an individual or panel.
Poster Session  (60 minutes)
Poster sessions are visual presentations displayed on tables or bulletin boards. The posters are organized in fairs and focused on a particular theme. Presenters stand next to their display to explain content and answer questions.


REFORMA programs are non-commercial educational learning experiences. Under no circumstances should a preconference workshop, general conference session or poster presentation be used for direct promotion of a speaker’s product, service, or other self-interest.

Applicants will be notified by email of proposal status in October 15,  2014.

  • All selected program presenters must be registered for RNCV in order to present.    
  • Presenters are responsible for paying the conference registration fee, travel, and lodging.
  • Presenters may be invited to use a format other than the one(s) selected or might be invited to co-present with others who have proposed similar topics.

Tips for Successful Programs

Developing a strong conference proposal
  • Use a title that represents the topic(s) of your session and catches the attention of conference attendees.
  • Be clear and concise in the description and synopsis of your program.
  • Present clear learning outcomes. What will attendees be able to do or know at the end of your program?
  • Follow and read carefully the proposal requirements and complete every step in the Proposal Submission Form.

Making an Effective Poster Session
  • Posters should include a title at the top of the poster, an abstract or introduction, visual data, conclusion, references and your contact information.
  • Use photographs, charts, graphs, diagrams, and other images to communicate your topic.
  • Effective posters include rich images, very little text, and follow a well-ordered sequence.  
Successful Conference Presentations
  • Panel presentations should include no more than four presenters. This will allow each participant time to present well-developed content.
  • Consider the audience, why they are there, and the stated learning outcomes described in the program proposal. Stick to your subject and remember that the audience came to hear what they read in the program.
  • If using PowerPoint or Prezi, remember that the text should be limited and highlight only key concepts. Do not read text on your slides to your audience.  This is a sure way to lose attendees’ attention.
  • Chose an engaging and interactive presentation style. Involve the audience by asking them to share approaches, best practices, and challenges. Consider holding questions to the end of the program.
  • Use humor, if appropriate, but be very careful. There is a fine line between a joke and an insult.
  • When using slides, use images or charts to clarify/illustrate. Be mindful of colors used.  Less is better. Use simple graphics when needed. Pie and column charts are easier to see when sitting down looking at a screen from afar.
  • When you have a unique or a hard to explain concept, present examples and various scenarios. Remember to include the summary and main points at the beginning and at the end of your presentation.
  • Be aware of your own speech, posture, voice level, pitches, tones, etc.  Always speak slowly and clearly and maintain eye contact with your audience. Pause and solicit feedback if you see that you’re losing your audience.
  • Acknowledge those who gave you an opportunity to excel and taught you valuable lessons about the subject of the presentation. This is a respectful way to give back to those who have given you their time and attention.
REFORMA would like to make conference presentations and abstracts freely available online after the conference. If your program is accepted, we will ask whether you are willing to share your presentation slides and abstract. You do not have to share your presentation if you do not wish to do so.

In addition, REFORMA is compiling a formal, refereed conference proceeding. When your program is accepted, the proceedings editors will be in touch with you about how you can put your paper in the proceedings.

SUBMIT YOUR PROPOSAL HERE (after reading the program proposal instructions below.)