
Are you looking for ways to expand your professional network and contribute to the mission of REFORMA? Committee volunteers help shape REFORMA by advancing its mission of providing library and informaton Services to Latinos and the Spanish-Speaking.

Serving on a committee is one of the best ways to become involved and make an impact on the profession. If you’d like to become more engaged, we invite you to volunteer to serve on a committee.

A link to the volunteer form is included at the bottom of this page.  You can also print a handout with this information by clicking here.

Rewards of Volunteering

• Develop relationships with library and information professionals from around the country
• Enhance your leadership abilities through collaboration and project management
• Develop new expertise and/or knowledge in a current specialization
• Advance the work of the association and the library profession

Volunteer Requirements

• Be a current member of REFORMA for the duration of the appointment
• Be willing and able to participate in the activities of the committee, support its mission and carry out assignments in a timely manner
• Submit an electronic appointment acceptance form

Please limit your committee volunteer selections to a maximum of three committees.

REFORMA Committees

Identify the REFORMA committees that interest you. Review the committee charges, rosters. If possible, attend the committee meetings at the Midwinter Meeting and/or Annual Conference to help you determine if the activities interest you.

Talk to committee members. Express your interest to the committee chair. Explain how you might contribute to the committee. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the following year, and the next. Remember that a number of factors (e.g. number of volunteers for each committee, number of available appointments, etc.) determine the actual appointment and these factors change from year to year.


Questions about the committee volunteer process can be sent to vice-president@reforma.org.

Questions about committee appointments or the status of your request may be directed to the chair or co-chairs of each committee.