Volunteer for JCLC 2022
- On: 08/12/2020 20:35:02
- In: News & Announcements
We hope that you are as excited as we are about the 4th National Joint Conference of Librarians of Color, which will be held October 5-9, 2022, at the TradeWinds Island Grand Resort in St. Pete Beach, Florida.
Many of you have expressed excitement about involvement with JCLC 2022. The time has come when we would like you to serve on the JCLC 2022 planning committees. We are fortunate to work with a great group of steering committee members and we all look forward to working with you. We would LOVE to have you take part in one of our committees.
This is a great opportunity to work with colleagues, to gain and to contribute experience, and to make a huge impact on the delivery of library and information services to our diverse communities. It is also a great opportunity to champion equity, diversity, and inclusion within our profession.
If you're interested in volunteering, please fill out the volunteer form.
Thank you for considering your service to JCLC 2022.
JCLC 2022 Steering Committee
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