Statement on Challenging Times - A Call to Action for Democracy and Human Rights for All
REFORMA - In Solidarity
Statement In Support of Oregon State Library
Statement on HPLD Programming Policy
Statement Strongly Condemning Attacks Against our Community
Statement in Support of SRRT Regarding the ALA January 2022 Meeting in Texas
Statement in Support of APALA
REFORMA mourns the passing of author Rudolfo Anaya
REFORMA Statement in Solidarity with BCALA’s statement condemning increased violence and racism towards Black Americans and people of color
REFORMA Statement on Solidarity with #DignidadLiteraria
REFORMA Statement Against Racism and Discrimination in the Library Profession
REFORMA Stands in Solidarity With Los Angeles Teachers and School Librarians
REFORMA Statement on the Separation of Refugees, Asylum Seekers, and Immigrants at the U.S Border Searching for the American Dream
REFORMA’s call to librarians to stay engaged with our communities
Statement from Reforma Regarding Censorship of Children's Book