HPLD Programming Policy Statement

REFORMA was recently made aware of some program policy revisions that the High Plains Library District adopted that are problematic and can be used to promote censorship. These two statements from the policy follow:

  •  Program topics should reflect community interest and should not be intended to persuade participants to a particular point of view.
  • While controversy is not avoided, the District does not present programs that are intentionally inflammatory or polarizing in the community. 

These changes in programming have already been used to cancel programs that would have benefited traditionally underserved communities in public libraries. REFORMA’s mission is to promote library services to the Latino and Spanish speaking and this change in policy does the opposite. It is not unrealistic to think that a program that is offered only in Spanish can be deemed polarizing to the community. 


REFORMA’s Executive Committee urges the High Plains Library Board of Trustees and Executive Director to change the policy for one that embraces a radical empathy approach rather than one of neutrality. Our libraries should be spaces where we serve all of our communities and our programming policies should reflect that. We hope that the Board of Trustees and the Executive Director make the right decision. 



REFORMA 2021-22 Executive Committee

President - Nicanor Diaz
Vice President - Romelia Salinas
Past President - Oscar Baeza
Secretary - Alma Ramos-McDermott
Treasurer - Denice Adkins
Member-At-Large Representative - Alda Allina Migoni
East Region Chapter Representative - Manny Figueroa
West Region Chapter    Representative - Balladolid (Dolly) Lopez


Established in 1971, REFORMA has actively sought to promote the development of library collections to include Spanish language and Latino-oriented materials; the recruitment of more bilingual and bicultural library professionals and support staff;  the development of library services and programs that meet the needs of the Latino community; the establishment of a national  information and support network among individuals who share our goals; the education of the U.S. Latino population with  regard to the availability and types of library services; and lobbying efforts to preserve existing library resource centers serving  the interests of Latinos. For more information on REFORMA, visit reforma.org.