Statement in Support of SRRT Regarding the ALA January 2022 Meeting in Texas

REFORMA, The National Association To Promote Library & Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking Stands in Solidarity with the ALA Social Responsibilities Round Table (SRRT) Regarding the ALA January 2022 Meeting in Texas

REFORMA has been advocating for justice since its inception 50 years ago. Today, our fellow Texan Reformistas find themselves with the most restrictive abortion laws in the country. We stand with the Social Responsibilities Round Table call to move LibLearnX 2022 to be an all-virtual event.  

The state of Texas passed SB 8 in May 2021, which became effective September 1st of this year. This law would make it nearly impossible for a person who gets pregnant to get an abortion in the state of Texas, affecting mostly those who are economically disadvantaged. REFORMA cannot patronize a state that infringes on the rights of its people. 

In a repeated pattern of limiting people's rights, the state of Texas passed SB 1 on September 7th of this year. It becomes effective just in time for the 2022 primaries. SB 1 silences residents of the state by limiting their ability to cast a ballot. It also limits residents’ ability to register to vote, and places restrictions on voting practices such as mail-in ballots and drive-thru voting. 

More than ever we need the American Library Association to stand up to oppression and recognize that these actions go against its own values of equity, diversity, and inclusion. REFORMA strongly supports our colleagues in SRRT, and urges the American Library Association to make the January 2022 event an all-virtual one. 


Established in 1971, REFORMA has actively sought to promote the development of library collections to include Spanish language and Latino-oriented materials; the recruitment of more bilingual and bicultural library professionals and support staff; the development of library services and programs that meet the needs of the Latino community; the establishment of a national information and support network among individuals who share our goals; the education of the U.S. Latino population with regard to the availability and types of library services; and lobbying efforts to preserve existing library resource centers serving the interests of Latinos. For more information on REFORMA, visit

REFORMA 2021-22 Executive Committee

President - Nicanor Diaz
Vice President - Romelia Salinas
Past President - Oscar Baeza
Secretary - Alma Ramos-McDermott
Treasurer - Denice Adkins
Member-At-Large Representative - Alda Allina Migoni
East Region Chapter Representative - Manny Figueroa
West Region Chapter    Representative - Balladolid (Dolly) Lopez