Telling Our Stories: Community Building to Recruit and Retain Latinx to the Library Profession
- On: 08/03/2017 00:17:45
- In: Press Releases
Travel Scholarships Application Form
VI REFORMA National Conference
Building Communities: Saving Lives
San Juan, Puerto Rico
September 7-9, 2017
We are proud to announce that the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS) has awarded REFORMA, the National Association to Promote Library and Information Services to Latinos and the Spanish Speaking a Laura Bush 21st Century National Forum Grant. The grant, Telling Our Stories: Building Community to Improve Recruitment and Retention of Latinx to the Library Profession will offer a series of activities throughout the year to examine and explore the recruitment and retention of Latinx to the library profession. As the number of new Latinx library professionals remains relatively low, new approaches are needed to attract and encourage more Latinx to choose librarianship as a viable and rewarding career choice.
Funding from this grant will provide financial support to fifteen Library and Information Science (LIS) students and five first-time REFORMA NATIONAL Conference attendees to experience attending a national conference that will offer a multitude of opportunities, including timely and informative pre-conference seminars, author readings, continuing education workshops, enlightening panel discussions, vendor exhibits and fun cultural evenings!
Each RNCVI Travel Scholarship awardee will receive $1,000 towards travel, lodging, and conference registration costs. Awardees will be responsible for any other costs associated with conference attendance. Please see the RNCVI website for further details about the conference at
What is expected from the travel scholarship recipients?
- The successful candidates will be required to be onsite at the RNCVI conference and participate actively for the duration of the conference.
- The scholarship recipients will also be required to attend the RNCVI Opening Session to receive their certificates and the RNCVI forum session: “REFORMA Leaders: Telling Our Stories & Building Communities”.
- They will also be required to take part in various publicity events during the conference, such as photo shoots and events organized at the Exhibit Hall.
- Recipients will be required to write a brief summary about their RNCVI experience (approximately 400 words) for publication on the REFORMA blog within 3 months of the end of the RNCVI.
- Applications are open to all interested in serving the Latinx community.
- The first time attendee applicants should not have attended any of the previous REFORMA National Conferences (RNC).
- The applicant must be willing to share their experience at RNCVI with their local REFORMA chapter or at the REFORMA Membership Meeting at ALA Annual in New Orleans.
- The applicant must declare that she/he is able to fund all other costs beyond the grant that are involved in attending the Conference, e.g. all other hotel, travel and subsistence expenses NOT covered by the travel scholarship.
The RNCVI Travel Scholarships are for LIS students and first-time attendees to a REFORMA National Conference, so make sure you mention this in your application.
Your application should include the following:
1. A cover letter providing:
- Your contact details (e.g. name and email address)
- Short summary of your employment and/or student status
2. A one-page written statement to include:
- How attending RNCVI will benefit you in a personal and/or professional capacity, with reference to the 2017 RNCVI theme Building Communities/Saving Lives;
- How you intend to apply the benefits that you have outlined in a practical way after RNCVI, either for you personally or for the library/information unit you are associated with;
3. A letter of support from your school administrator or employer indicating that you will benefit from attending RNCVI conference in San Juan, P.R., September 7-9, 2017.
Your application must be received by Tuesday, August 8, 2017.
- All applications will be acknowledged upon receipt.
- All applicants will receive notification of award status no later than Monday, August 14, 2017.
Please send your application with your address, telephone number, and email address no later than August 8, 2017, to Tess Tobin via attachment in email –

This travel scholarship is made possible through the generous support of the Institute for Museum and Library Services (IMLS), Laura Bush 21st Century Forum Grant: Telling Our Stories: Building Community to Improve Recruitment and Retention of Latinx to the Library Profession.