
2021 ALA Annual Conference Meetings

The REFORMA National Executive Committee has scheduled it's 2021 ALA Annual Conference meetings. 
The REFORMA National Executive Committee has scheduled it's 2021 ALA Annual Conference meetings. Before COVID happened, these meetings provided an opportunity for officers, members, and anyone interested in REFORMA to meet in person, network, and learn more about the work we are all passionate about. We typically have anywhere between 5-7 in person meetings consisting of Executive Committee meetings (which include the President, Vice President, Past President, Treasurer, Secretary, and the Chapter Representative), the Board of Directors meetings (which include the executive board and all of the committee chairs and chapter presidents) and our general membership meetings. Since COVID happened, these meetings have gone virtual which help connect with members who might have not had the opportunity to attend ALA Annual in person. This really broadens our reach and helps our members stay more engaged with REFORMA. While the biggest drawback is not being able to interact with members in person. We have our schedule for this year's ALA Annual Conference and you find it below along with links to register if you are interested in attending. These meetings are open to all REFORMA Members. 

REFORMA National Executive Committee Meeting
Date: Monday, June 21st, 2-4pm MST

REFORMA National Board of Directors Meeting
Date: Sunday, June 27th, 1-3pm MST

REFORMA National General Membership Meeting
Date: Monday, June 28th, 1-3pm MST

Of course not all our gatherings involve work, we also like to have fun. We are hosting an REFORMA National Conference VII Fundraiser during ALA Annual. This event will be on Friday, June 25th, 4-6pm MST. You can register for that event here

Thank you all and we look forward to seeing and connecting with you.

Nicanor Diaz, Vice-President/President-Elect



