
REFORMA National Elections Nominations

The REFORMA Nominations Committee is looking for dedicated members in good standing to run for the executive board.
The REFORMA Nominations Committee is looking for dedicated members in good standing to run for the positions below:
  • Vice-President/President-Elect (serves for one year in this position, then serves as President for the following year, and then one year as the Immediate Past President);
  • Treasurer (serves for two years + one year of mentoring/training the next treasurer)
  • California Chapter Representative (serves for two years)
Please consult the 2021 REFORMA Manual for the full description of responsibilities for each position.

One of the most significant contributions you can make to REFORMA is to participate in our annual nominations process to ensure that highly qualified and dedicated colleagues will continue our long tradition of excellence and leadership. We highly encourage past chapter presidents, committee chairs, and board members to run for national office! Self-nominations are welcomed and encouraged.

When submitting your nomination, we ask that you please consider the following:
  • Quality and length of leadership roles with REFORMA, including serving on committees and work for local chapters.
  • Commitment and ability to work effectively as a member of the Executive Committee and to fulfill the responsibilities of the position as described in the manual.
  • Additional relevant leadership roles for other organizations and/or board membership experience, if any.

March 13th-March 31st 2023: Solicit nominations
April 14th, 2023: Deadline for candidates to submit photo & statement of purpose

Nominees must have current membership status in REFORMA. Candidacy for nomination does not mean automatic nomination to the Executive Committee.

We encourage you to nominate yourself or an individual interested in a leadership position committed to serve on the REFORMA Executive Committee and Board of Directors.

Please send the contact information (name and email address) of the person you are nominating via email to Kenny Garcia ( by Thursday, March 31, 2023.

We need good leaders to continue the mission of REFORMA! Thank you for your consideration and support!

REFORMA Nominations Committee

Kenny Garcia, Nominations Committee Chair
Romelia Salinas, REFORMA President
David López, Vice President/President Elect
Nicanor Diaz, REFORMA Immediate Past-President



