Contact: Loida Garcia-Febo
Chair, REFORMA Legislative Committee
REFORMA, ALA Washington Office, ALA Office for Library Advocacy and ALA Office for Diversity are partnering to present a webinar to support library workers facing various laws and regulations passed or being considered in various states and counties around the nation limiting library services to immigrants and access to information. The content of the webinar includes examples from REFORMA members who have dealt with these types of situations, action taken and recommendations based on their experience. REFORMA will share resources to help librarians to advocate for services for immigrants and multi-ethnic populations. The ALA Washington Office will share points about how to effectively communicate with elected officials and government agencies. The ALA Office for Diversity will present successful examples from libraries in the USA, grassroots efforts, strategies and recommendations.
Speakers: Emily Sheketoff, Executive Director of the Washington Office of the American Library Association; Patricia Montiel Overall, Associate Professor at the School of Information Resources and Library Sciences and Affiliated Professor at the Mexican American Studies Department of the University of Arizona; Michelle Harell Washington, Director of the ALA Office for Diversity and Loida Garcia-Febo, Chair, REFORMA Legislative Committee.
Save the date and join us on May 14. The link to access the virtual meeting room will be shared soon. Stay tuned!