Jobs Details

Job listings are free to post to all REFORMA members. Please note that you must sign in to your profile in order to post a job listing. Once logged in, navigate to the 'My Job Listings' option located under the Bookmarks section in your left-hand side navigation options. From here, simply click on "Add A Job" and fill out the required information.
  • REFORMA Members: Free
  • Non-members: $50 per job posting
If you are not a REFORMA member and would like to post a job listing within our platform consider joining REFORMA or register as a non-member. Please note that as a non-member you will be prompted to pay a $50 fee for each job posting. The job board is public and visible to anyone browsing REFORMA's website. The $50 fee will go towards our fundraising efforts which include but are not limited to scholarships, Noche de Cuentos mini-grants, and Children in Crisis. 

Instructions for Non-members:
  1. Create an account with REFORMA as a non-member (no cost). This will unlock the ability to post job listings.
  2. Return to this page:
  3. Fill out job post information.
  4. Activate the listing under 'My Jobs' in the left-hand side menu.
Alternative posting method: If you are having issues posting job announcements via the above instructions, you can send job listings to and it will be posted on your behalf. Please note that an active membership with REFORMA is required and the current membership status of the sender will be checked before posting. 
If you have any questions please reach out to
Click here to login or register.