

Thursday, June 20 - Mt. Pleasant Library

9:30 - 10:00 am Registration & Continental Breakfast

10:00 - 10:15 am Welcome
Tess Tobin, Past-President, REFORMA
Madeline Peña, President REFORMA
Richard Reyes-Gavilan, Executive Director, District of Columbia Public Library

10:15 - 11:00 am Keynote: Colorism in Latin America
Emmanuel Ortega, Ph.D. (aka Babelito from Latinos Who Lunch)

In this presentation, Dr. Ortega will deconstruct the politics of colorism in Latin America by analyzing the visual culture of the colonial period and the politics behind the caste system. By way of a careful analysis of class and race classification in Spanish America, Ortega will explore the ways in which those categories continue to define difference in popular media today.

11:00 - 11:30 am A Brief History of Linguistic Prejudice
Denisse Solis, Resident Librarian, University of Denver Libraries
Janette Ruiz, University of Denver

11:30 am - 1:00 pm Lunch, Networking & Chair Yoga (box lunch will be provided)

1:00 - 1:45 pm  Book Buzz
Cinco Books - Jenny Lizarraga
Random Penguin House - Veronica Cervera
Lantia Publications - Enrique Parrilla

1:45 - 2:15 pm Civic Engagement in Times of Crises: Know Your Tools for Advocacy 
Madeleine Ildefonso, Los Angeles Public Library, Co-Chair REFORMA Legislative Committee
Jenny Kim, Staff Attorney, Capital Area Immigrants’ Rights Coalition’s Immigration Impact Lab

2:15 - 2:45 pm The Power of Communication: Outreach, Marketing & Social Media
Madeline Peña, Los Angeles Public Library, REFORMA President

2:45 - 3:00 pm Break

3:00 - 3:15 pm Greeting by Loida Garcia-Febo, President American Library Association & Group Photo

3:15 - 3:45 pm The Importance of Leadership Building
Jill Baron, Librarian, Dartmouth
Tina Gross, Catalog Librarian, St. Cloud State University

Clips from the film Change the Subject directed by Librarian Jill Baron and filmmaker Sawyer Broadley with significant collaboration from co-producers Óscar Rubén Cornejo Cásares and Melissa Padilla. While the narrative driving the film is the activism of students and librarians around a Library of Congress subject heading, the film extends into a meditation on the ways that language is often weaponized to divide and dehumanize people.

3:45 - 4:15 pm Creando Puentes / Abriendo Puertas: Opening the Library to a Broader Community of Users
Adan Griego, Curator for Latin American, Mexican American and Iberian Collections, Stanford University

4:15 - 4:45 pm The Libraries of Puerto Rico Surrounded by a Crisis: Life After the hurricane, the Fiscal Crisis and the Work of Reforma Puerto Rico
Tess Tobin, REFORMA Past-President
Elizabeth Borges Ocasio, REFORMA Puerto Rico Chapter Past-President

4:45 - 5:30 pm  Reception & Networking
Mario Ascensio, College Librarian & Managing Director, ArtCenter College of Design; Chair, ALA Committee on Legislation, and Co-Chair REFORMA Legislative Committee

Friday, June 21 - Library of Congress

10:00 am -12 noon  Tour of the Hispanic Reading Room

REFORMA Legislator of the Year Award - Congressman Ben Ray Luján [D-NM-3]
Mario Ascensio, College Librarian & Managing Director, ArtCenter College of Design; Chair, ALA Committee on Legislation, and Co-Chair REFORMA Legislative Committee