ALA Annual 2018
REFORMA Meetings and Events
Sheraton New Orleans - CO-HQ | 500 Canal Street | $197 / $197
Thursday, June 21
NO REFORMA Events Scheduled
Friday, June 22
Ticketed Event - IRRT Preconference Give us your tired, your poor, your huddled masses: How libraries are serving immigrant and refugee populations | 8 AM - 1 PM | MCC, Rm 221
Executive Committee Meeting I | 2 - 4 PM | Location: Sheraton New Orleans, Borgne
Opening General Session featuring Michelle Obama | 4 - 5:30 PM | Location: MCC, Exhibit Hall F
Spectrum’s 20th Anniversary Founders Celebration featuring Elizabeth Martinez and Dr. Betty J. Turock | 6 -7:30 PM | Location: Hilton Riverside, Quarterdeck Ballroom
Saturday, June 23
All-Committees Meeting | 8 - 10 AM | Location: Sheraton New Orleans, Bayside A
Central American Connections Children in Crisis Joint Program with the IRRT Americas Committee | 10:30 - 11:30 AM | Location: MCC, Rm 285
President’s Program Telling Our Stories: Community Building and Leadership | 1 - 2 PM | Location: MCC Rm 353-355
Board of Directors Meeting | 2 - 4 PM | Location: Sheraton, New Orleans, Napoleon C2
ODLOS Diversity Fair | 3 - 5 PM | Location: MCC, Exhibit Hall – Poster Sessions
Joint Conference of Librarians of Color Reception | 5:30 - 7 PM | Location: Hilton Riverside Hotel, Quarterdeck Ballroom
Sunday, June 24
REFORMA - Affiliates Booth | 11-12 PM | Location: MCC Exhibit Hall, Booth # 1919
Pura Belpre Celebración | 1 - 3 PM | Location: Hilton Riverside, Grand Salon C
Spectrum Anniversary Reflections on 20 Years | 4 - 5 PM | Location: MCC, Rm 278
REFORMA Lifetime Achievement and Librarian of the Year Awards Ceremony | 5 - 7 PM | Location: Hilton Riverside -
RSVP required to
REFORMA Happy Hour & New Members Meet & Greet | 7-9 PM | We'll announce location on
Facebook and
Monday, June 25
REFORMA EC Board 101 Legal Training | 12-2 PM | Location: Hilton Riverside Hotel Parish Room (Closed Session)
General Membership Meeting | 3 - 5 PM | Location: Sheraton New Orleans, Bayside B
Executive Committee II | 5 - 7 PM | Location: Sheraton New Orleans, Borgne
Tuesday, June 26
NO REFORMA Events Scheduled
Questions? Please email