REFORMA Summer 2020


REFORMA Meetings and Events



Friday, June 26th

REFORMA Virtual Noche de Cuentos Event

Celebrating the Power of Storytelling to Unite Communities. Featuring award-winning storytellers such as Neil Eduardo Izaza "Zien Cuentos" and Rosalia Pacheco in an enchanting evening of performances celebrating and affirming the richness of Latino heritage and culture.

3pm-5pm Pacific / 4pm-6pm Mountain / 5pm-7pm Central / 6-8pm Eastern time
Zoom link registration

Monday, June 29th

REFORMA All-Committees Meeting 
10am-12pm Pacific / 11am-1pm Mountain / 12pm-2pm Central / 1-3pm Eastern time
Zoom link registration

Tuesday, June 30th

REFORMA Board of Directors Meeting
10am-12pm Pacific / 11am-1pm Mountain / 12pm-2pm Central / 1-3pm Eastern time
Zoom link registration

Wednesday, July 1st

REFORMA General Membership Meeting
10am-12pm Pacific / 11am-1pm Mountain / 12pm-2pm Central / 1-3pm Eastern time
Zoom link registration

Thursday, July 2nd

REFORMA Executive Committee Meeting
10am-12pm Pacific / 11am-1pm Mountain / 12pm-2pm Central / 1-3pm Eastern time
Zoom link registration

New Zoom link


Questions? Please email